A CENOMAR however, contrary to what many of us thought is not a requirement for marriage ... read more

So what is a Certificate of No Marriage or what we mostly call as CENOMAR? Simple as we can pronounce the name itself, just take the literal meaning from the long version of it. On the other hand, be technical meaning, it has a lot.

For the NSO and the people who knows more than what the word means, a CENOMAR is certificate or certification that the NSO - National Statistics Office issues to people or anyone that proves a person is and has not undergone any marriage.

The CENOMAR however has to be authenticated by the department issuing it (NSO) in order for it to become a certified true copy and not just some make up document that other people buy somewhere else. Note that the NSO is a database center in the Philippines of all marriages that has happened in the past for as long as the responsible parties like the civil registry or the registrants themselves have passed necessary documents to them regarding a marriage.

By law, not more than 15 days is the allowable time frame that responsible parties should pass to the NSO necessary documents to register a marriage. The copies of the marriage certificate will have to be submitted to the local civil registry where the marriage was done and solemnized.

A CENOMAR however, contrary to what many of us thought is not a requirement for marriage but instead, it is only necessary for couples who were to wed to know and be certain that their partner's civil status is still single and unattached to or uncommitted to anyone by laws of the civil registry and the catholic church require.

CENOMAR will always be the best way to avoid getting charged with any case related to marriage and so on.

Requirements in Getting CENOMAR:

  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Number or copies needed
  • Purpose for the certification
  • Complete name of the father
  • Complete maiden name of the mother
  • Complete name of the person to be certified
  • Complete name and address of the requesting party

    source: http://nsoinquiryonline.i.ph/
3/1/2011 03:52:03 pm

It's the guys who wait to have everything perfect that drive you crazy
It's the guys who wait to have everything perfect that drive you crazy

3/29/2011 06:18:20 pm

Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.

6/14/2016 12:21:10 am

Simple as we can pronounce the name itself, just take the literal meaning from the long version of it. On the other hand, be technical meaning, it has a lot.


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